Playstation Network is down but For How Long ?
Playstation Network is down

Playstation Network is down but For How Long ?

Playstation Network is down

PSN is down but For How Long ?

What is Playstation? Why is PSN down? Which platforms are affected? What is the cause?

The Playstation Network is down. Playstation being the best gaming platform in the world. This company allows users to play and interact with multiplayer games, offline games, online games yet the playstation network is suffering outage for a whole day almost every user started to get irritated after a few hours of outage but still there has not been any improvement in the gaming servers.

The users started facing this problem in the evening of Friday with more than million users reporting on different online platforms. 

The issue is not solved yet. The playstation support channel is facing heavy traffic because of its angry users’ complaints.

After Playstation servers went down it was seen that how an online gaming platform can be used for triggering emotions and a tool for bonds that we made by playing.

Let’s see which services of Playstation  are affected by this outage.

Three major services are stopped working at psn  

Now Psn Released a Statement 

  1. Account management 

Affected platforms:

Other, PS Vita, PS3, PS4, PS5, Web

Affected services:

You might have difficulty signing in or creating an account for PlayStation Network. We’re working to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

  1. Gaming and social

Game streaming

Affected platforms:

Other, PS Vita, PS3, PS4, PS5, Web

Affected services:

You might have difficulty launching games, apps or network features. We’re working to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

  1. PlayStation Store





Redeem vouchers

Affected platforms:

Other, PS Vita, PS3, PS4, PS5, Web

Affected services:

You might have difficulty getting products in the PlayStation Store. We’re working to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

The cause for this disturbance in the gaming world is still unknown as Sony did not share any details regarding the solving of the issue. Consequences of this outage will not be good for Sony because its users are getting more and more frustrated by the hour and sharing memes all over the Social Media.

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